‚About accessibility‘ a Gathering with Tanja Erhart.
Discussion on accessibility with guest dance maker Tanja Erhart.
What does access mean for a dancer, for a choreographer, for an audience, for an arts and culture
institution? Togehter we will dive into questions like these and I will share from my 10 years
experience of being a crip queer dancer: Stories of lack of access, ramp crushes, the aesthetics of
access, activism, ableism, allyship, finances, hinderences, solutions, access desires, access riders,
access pleasures and more. Access is love and a human right… let’s find out what the dance floor
Tanja Erhart (she/her), born in Austria based in London, identifies as a queer, crip – chronically ill
and physically disabled – dance artist, cultural anthropologist and intersectional pleasure activist.
Tanja performs, creates her own work, teaches, choreographs, holds lectures & talks about
disability, ableism and dance at various events worldwide. Her collaborators include Sarah Blanc,
Candoco Dance Company, Claire Cunningham Projects, Farah Saleh, Michael Turinsky etc. Currently
she’s curious exploring movement practices of her 3 different bodyminds – onelegged, with her
wheelchair or threelegged with her crutches – and pleasure activism in dance and disability justice,
focusing on access, care, desires, access riders, exploring the vastness of the aesthetics of access
and dismantling oppressive structures like ableism in her practices. The dance production j_e_n_g_a
premiered in 2022, in collaboration with Tanja’s crutches and her dance colleague Katharina Senk,
is an interactive dance film and a live performance about pleasure as a juicy resource of movement
in interaction with the 2 crutches and as an interface in the discourse between disability and
j_e_n_g_a © Franzi Kreis 2022
image description: Blurry in the back of the image, there are two sign language interpreters
signing, wearing black and sitting on black chairs on a purple rug. Tanja, wearing a burgundy
tracksuit with a velvety feel and black long trousers, is leaning on her left buttock and forearm on
the white dance floor while she’s smiling, gesturing something undefinable, but clearly enjoying the
conversation with someone behind the camera.